Monday, January 25, 2010

Online Conversions…Yes, You Can Improve Them

Whenever the word conversion is mentioned in the company of network marketers, ears tend to perk up and listen intently. Why is that? It is because anyone trying to make a living online is interested in one thing, one thing only, and that is improving conversions. Few internet markers such as I have seen many web sites and blogs miss out on their biggest opportunities for conversions/growth. The solution is quite simple. They need to make the most of their list.

Whether you have a sizable email list, consisting of several thousand, or a list of just a few dozen prospects, it how you utilize your list. Its not the size of your list, is only part of the equation. Utilization is the key. There are many ways to utilize your list to build relationships and sell products which creates a win-win everyone.

The first way I’d like to point out is the use of an auto responder. Auto responders are a must have. Any serious internet marketer would have this tool in their arsenal. If you are not taking advantage of this tool, I advise you to inquire online about auto responder services. One of the most popular auto responder service providers to date is Aweber. Or I should say that it has met my needs. In any case, find a service provider that meets your needs. For Aweber services, they only charge about twenty dollars per month. This will give you the ability to send unlimited messages. Make sure that your messages brand you as an expert. And most of all provide value.

Another way to effectively utilize your list is to provide pre-notification of product launches. Many marketers are affiliates. You can use your list this way to generate of thousands of dollars per month. Think about, there is quite a bit of revenue being overlooked. For example, Say thet you know two month prior to a affiliate product launching. Coordinate a pre-launch communication that reaches everyone in your list. Be sure to include vital information such as product information, downloads, videos, and etc. You want to create a feeling of anticipation that builds as launch day approaches. When launch day arrives, create a sense of immediacy and scarcity – purchases will ensue.

Let’s not forget referrals. Referrals are a wonderful way to utilize the power of your list. Internet marketers are always looking for ways to expand their list. With expansion comes growth. Referral help build an even larger list that you can communicate with. You achieve this by asking those who sign up for your list to refer your company, products, or services to others. Make your emails easy to forward and encourage referrals. This is a great way to reach individuals who are more likely to value your content and accept your offers.

The final way to utilize your list and quite possibly the most important is communication. Communicate to your list a regular basis. You should configure your auto-responder to broadcast a series of messages that are spread out over time. Stay in front of your list, provide value, and the individuals on your list will connect with. This will increase your percentages of purchases.

Utilize these techniques now and watch your list grow. Having a list is fine but unless you utilize it correctly, you’ll never see the true worth in the list itself.

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