Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Marketing For Customers Is Just Like Fishing

Success in any business thrives or withers away based on its customer base. Whether the business has been in operation for decades or just a few days, drawing customers to your business daily is the prime objective.

Business owners are very much like fishermen. Fishermen pack their gear and lunches and trek to the lake, pond or even an ocean with hopes of landing many fish. Many sit hours with maybe only a nibble, while the more experienced and prepared are busy filling their baskets. A skilled fishermen success is due to several practices. Those may include but not limited to the following: research, location, specific lures and equipment type to name a few. As business owners we must implement similar practices in our marketing campaigns.

There are many factors that adversely affect your customer base daily. What can you do to eliminate those factors? NOTHING, but there are proven ways to help keep your business growing. You must actively seek new ways to attract new customers. Its all comes down to your marketing.

Marketing is such a vital tool, that you should never stop marketing. Don’t even let external factors influence your marketing campaigns. For instance, whether the economy is booming or bust, keep marketing. Why you ask? You must always be in the position to attract new customers at all times.

Marketing is ACTION. You can’t sit down with arms folded and wish customers to your front door. You must TARGET and ATTRACT potential customers. But wait, it doesn’t stop there. You also have to convince your target audience to do business with you. This means you have to stand out from others who are also soliciting their business, and that you have exactly what they are looking for.

Marketing effectively is an acquired skill but just like fishermen, with research, proper tools and practice, you will reap the bounty of your hard work.

To assist you on your marketing campaign, I’ve listed below a few key points to help you target and attract your potential customers.

1. What Is Your Target Audience

What is a target audience? Wikipedia defines target audience as the following:

target audience, or target group is the primary group of people that something, usually an advertising campaign, is aimed at appealing to. A target audience can be people of a certain age group, gender, marital status, etc.

Let’s refer back to the fisherman’s v.s businessman analogy. A skilled fisherman knows even before they leave their house what specific fish that they are fishing for. If the location is a lake, the fish therein could be Bass, Carp, or even Crappie. If fishing in the ocean, the fish could be Grouper, Tuna, or possibly even Shark.
So when it comes to marketing, you also must know who you are targeting. By targeting you will be able to effectively utilize your time, energy and resources. There are many factors to consider when it comes to constructing a marketing campaign. Target factors for any campaign can range from many to as few as one. It all depends on how specific your campaign will be. Once you have your target audience determined, you will find it easy to fashion your marketing campaign accordingly. Targeting is the foundational step in your campaign; you need this to build on.

2. What Is It That The Customer Desire?

Fisherman’s view: What food does my target fish desire
Business owner view: What does my potential customer desire

As a business owner, your main focus is on the customer. What is it that they want? What is it that they need? Once you have found the answer to these questions, you will know how to attract many customers to your business. Do your research. Find out what products/services are desired the most. And if you can improve upon the products/services that are already being provided by your competitors, you will stand out from among them. This is because you are providing them a product/service that is not being provided by your competitors.

3. Care About Your Customers

Customers are more than just a source of increasing your revenue. Whenever a customer makes contact with you or an individual working for your company. Marketing is also taking place. A smile, tone of voice, business practices, and much more is marketing your company. Remember any negative or unprofessional impressions will drive your customers away.
Your potential customers work very hard for their money and they are willing to do business. But you must first create a relationship with them. Show them that they are more than just a ring up on the cash register. Once you have proven that you are trustworthy and that you are providing quality products/services. You are now on the right path to having a loyal customer.

4. Stay Within The Factors Of Your Target Group

Fisherman’s view: A skilled fisherman will not try to catch a shark with a worm. (A shark doesn’t find a worm appealing as a meal)
Business owner’s view: Remember the factors of your target audience.

Your marketing campaign success is dependent upon your message reaching the right people. By staying within the factors of your target audience, your messages will reach those who are interested in purchasing your product/service. You do not want to waste you time, energy, and money on attracting people who are not interested in or not capable of accepting your product/service.

5. Be Unique, Be Yourself

There are many avenues in which to market. Whether you choose to use print, radio, internet or etc, be yourself and be unique. Of course you know that in marketing circles this is commonly referred to as branding oneself.
The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines a brand as the following:

a "name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of other sellers.

Being unique creates a curiosity in your potential customer. Curiosity is the vehicle that will bring that customer to you and will allow you an opportunity to showcase your product/service. During this moment you should show your potential customer that you are the solution for their problem. Make their experience of doing business with you an excellent one. By doing this, you are on the path to creating the desired brand for yourself/company. Excellent branding creates the following:

Separation from competitors
Create lasting positive impression
Establish credibility
Creates loyalty

As stated before, marketing effectively requires skill. But with patience, practice and possibly even with some coaching, you will reap the rewards.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Elevate Your Ranking! On-Page Optimization Techniques

To take your page to the next level in obtaining maximum organic ranking, there several steps that must be taken. First you must research keywords that you wish to use.  When you've selected the keywords that you wish for your page optimization, you need to put your attention on on-page optimization. What is on-page optimization?  On-page optimization is what you do on your website pages to improve organic rankings. Through the process of trail and error, I’ve discovered what factors have a direct impact on your organic ranking.

There are many factors to consider when optimizing your web pages. Those that I’m about to elaborate on have the greatest of impact as it relates to on-page optimization. Those factors include meta tags, URL structure, and speed at which your page loads.
According to Wiktionary, meta tags is defined as the following.
Meta tag - A piece of text in the source code of a web page in order to provide information to a search engine about the contents of the page

Meta tags need to be formatted correctly to enhance search engine rankings. I learned that meta tags alone will not dramatically improve rankings. It my opinion that meta tags may be used to verify other aspects of your website and are important for getting users to click through from search engine results.
 Your meta tags need to be properly formatted. Make sure that while you are formatting your meta tag to include a title tag. Title tags contain the keywords that you are trying to optimize. This tag should not exceed sixty characters. This is because in google search results, this is the limit. The second meta tag is the description tag. This tag characters should be less than one hundred and fifty. Your keyword phrase should not be repeated no more than twice.
The last meta tag is the keyword tag. This tag is often used incorrectly.  When optimizing your keyword tag, I suggest that you use only a dozen of your highly trafficked keywords. Search engines should know that you are an authority site and worthy of top rankings.
When you have followed the steps mentioned previously.  The time in which your page loads is an important factor to search engines. Not only does your web page need to be formatted correctly but it needs to load quickly. Web sites that load quickly equals to the user having a greater experience. Search engines will reward you for providing the correct information quickly. Keep load times to a minimum and continually work to improve the speed at which your site loads.
One of the most important factors for optimization is the URL structure.  We have all heard that having your keyword in the url helps with optimization.  This does help but is not the only factors used by search engines.  There are many sites that include their keyword in the URL but are being outranked by other web sites. To help with your optimization of the url, you have several options. You can buy a URL that has your keyword instance.  If you are unable to do so, think about adding a folder or page to your site that includes the keyword you want to optimize your site for. For example: By doing so you are placing your keyword close to the root and giving it more value.
 When you begin your optimization for your web page, evaluate of the following: your web site, landing page, load speed, and URLs. There are other factors but those mentioned here are most important to your search engine optimization success.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Creating Business Opportunity Leads

When beginning an online business, you are faced certain challenges. The greatest of these would be that of generating traffic to your site. Consistency and Determination are the keys to building a solid lead list that will keep the sales coming.  I hope that the information I share with you today will help you in your quest.  The quests to discover the business opportunity leads you are looking for.
When seeking business opportunity leads you have several options available to you. You can generate your own, using various techniques, or you can hire a marketing company to find them for you. Either way, you should make sure that the leads you end up with are high in quality, because they will generate the best business.
If you choose to hire marketing company to help generate leads. That marketing company will help you locate high quality business opportunity leads. There are several ways that this may be accomplished. The most popular online lead generating methods are Google PPC, Web 2.0 Social Networking. Each has their advantages and disadvantages, so make sure that you them all to find what works best for your business.
Another way is to generate your own leads. Generating your own leads can be very tedious and time-consuming, but also very rewarding. The first step you should take is to optimize your website, website descriptions, and article titles. This is done by configuring your keywords for search engine optimization (SEO). When attracting traffic and business opportunity leads, this step is vital. Remember when you are optimizing, that you must include as many keywords and variations of those keywords as possible. Also, use your major keyword within the first twenty words of whatever it is you are writing. It will get noticed more quickly if the keyword is at the beginning.
One of the cutting edge ways to dominate Google, Yahoo and MSM in less than 48 hours is with video marketing. You can film video or even use Power Point to get first page results for many long tail Keywords.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Online Conversions…Yes, You Can Improve Them

Whenever the word conversion is mentioned in the company of network marketers, ears tend to perk up and listen intently. Why is that? It is because anyone trying to make a living online is interested in one thing, one thing only, and that is improving conversions. Few internet markers such as I have seen many web sites and blogs miss out on their biggest opportunities for conversions/growth. The solution is quite simple. They need to make the most of their list.

Whether you have a sizable email list, consisting of several thousand, or a list of just a few dozen prospects, it how you utilize your list. Its not the size of your list, is only part of the equation. Utilization is the key. There are many ways to utilize your list to build relationships and sell products which creates a win-win everyone.

The first way I’d like to point out is the use of an auto responder. Auto responders are a must have. Any serious internet marketer would have this tool in their arsenal. If you are not taking advantage of this tool, I advise you to inquire online about auto responder services. One of the most popular auto responder service providers to date is Aweber. Or I should say that it has met my needs. In any case, find a service provider that meets your needs. For Aweber services, they only charge about twenty dollars per month. This will give you the ability to send unlimited messages. Make sure that your messages brand you as an expert. And most of all provide value.

Another way to effectively utilize your list is to provide pre-notification of product launches. Many marketers are affiliates. You can use your list this way to generate of thousands of dollars per month. Think about, there is quite a bit of revenue being overlooked. For example, Say thet you know two month prior to a affiliate product launching. Coordinate a pre-launch communication that reaches everyone in your list. Be sure to include vital information such as product information, downloads, videos, and etc. You want to create a feeling of anticipation that builds as launch day approaches. When launch day arrives, create a sense of immediacy and scarcity – purchases will ensue.

Let’s not forget referrals. Referrals are a wonderful way to utilize the power of your list. Internet marketers are always looking for ways to expand their list. With expansion comes growth. Referral help build an even larger list that you can communicate with. You achieve this by asking those who sign up for your list to refer your company, products, or services to others. Make your emails easy to forward and encourage referrals. This is a great way to reach individuals who are more likely to value your content and accept your offers.

The final way to utilize your list and quite possibly the most important is communication. Communicate to your list a regular basis. You should configure your auto-responder to broadcast a series of messages that are spread out over time. Stay in front of your list, provide value, and the individuals on your list will connect with. This will increase your percentages of purchases.

Utilize these techniques now and watch your list grow. Having a list is fine but unless you utilize it correctly, you’ll never see the true worth in the list itself.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Part 5:5 Daily Activities Of Successful People

Whenever you invest in something such as the stock market, real estate, or any other type of business, things plague our mind. Those things WILL affect the outcome of your investment. What is the one thing that will determine whether you’re successful or not?

Many would answer that question with statements like, like luck, timing, exit strategy, your knowledge base, and many others. We could spend an entire day explaining various points and views. But in the end, they are all wrong. The right answer is patience.

Patience: Determines The Level Of Your Success

Patience is a key virtue that allows you to build an internet business (any business) that can stand the test of time, and not just be around for a couple of months. It involves consistency of planting seeds online, watering them with your effort and money each day, and then watching them grow into big and strong positive cash flow producing trees. Healthy fruit bearing trees is what we all want……right?

Since you are reading this article, and quite possibly those prior, you are either already involved in a business or contemplating starting one. If you are in search for an easy or quick way to make money online, then you are fooling yourself. There is NOTHING online that will provide instant success!

I know it sounds pretty harsh, but it is 100% true. Anything in life that lasts and is worthwhile takes work, effort, money, and time to develop. You are going to have to be patient with your online business.

This point can't be stress enough. Creating a profitable online business is not going to be easy. You are going to have to be patient because you will be learning a lot of new skills online and if you rush them, it will easily destroy your chances of making a long-term profit.

Also, do not look for or take shortcuts! This is just going to cause you to lose more time in the long run, because taking shortcuts online does not work. There are proven ways to make money online and none of them involve taking shortcuts. Take the time now to educate yourself on various topics of having an online business.

Always be realistic about your business and remember these two things:

1. To create, market, and run your own internet business can take at the very least up to 3-6 months. This is where you plant and water your seeds.

2. To make it extremely profitable, can take up to 6-12 months, if not many years! If you remain focused and determined………You will reap great rewards.

So be prepared to invest your time, money, and effort to make your online business successful. But foremost, patience is key. Be patient enough to see the seeds you plant today grow into the money making trees you intended them to be.

The only place dreams are impossible is in your mind.

William Hooten

Internet Marketing Success Coach

Frustrated from Busting Your Behind For Pennies Online? Is your Lifestyle in need of a makeover? Visit My Web Site Below And Learn How I Make Serious Money Online and Live A Dream Life From Home And How You Can Do The Same. Free Information Reveals All:

Part 4:5 Daily Activities Of Successful People

I’m sure that we all agree that time management, motivation, and focus are the building blocks for success. With that being said, what is the one activity that binds all of the building blocks? Persistence. Persistence is the bonding agent. Without persistence your business will fail.

Persistence equals Success

Persistence is where you decide to move forward with something, even when failing at it over and over again. Every luxury and technical advantage we enjoy today is the byproducts of persistence. Many people are afraid of trying new things mostly because of failure. It’s because of our failures we learn. And thru our learning we succeed.

What they do not realize is that if you are not failing, you are not doing anything in life! Take the popular animation film from Walt Disney called Meet The Robinsons. The theme of the entire movie had one catch phrase, "Keep Moving Forward!"

It was repeated in the movie over and over again because the main character, Lewis Robinson, had a bad temper and when he failed, he would throw a fit and give up.

What he learned as the movie progressed was that each failure taught him a specific lesson about how to succeed in the future and by persisting, it would make success an inevitable event.

You can’t view failure as an obstacle that can’t be overcome, but as a way to improve your internet business. When you fail, take a moment and evaluate the situation. Ask yourself, what could I have done differently to achieve a more favorable result? Don’t hesitate to seek advice if needed. Remember that someone else faced the same obstacle as you and overcame it.

Failing is frustrating, but once you’ve trained your mind to see that failure is not a negative but a road map to success. Don’t give up. And by not giving up and continuing to on your path no matter, Success is your next stop.

As a matter of fact, I can almost guarantee that if you put in the time, the effort, and persistence, in whatever your endeavors maybe. Your chances of success are greatly increased in your favor. No matter where you are today with your accomplishments and where you desire to be. Every day is a new day, filled with many possibilities.

It does not matter what economic situation you are in today, there will be another chance tomorrow to make a change. What you do in your life and business today will determine what happens tomorrow.

Do not give up on your goals and dreams. Make the commitment, start today, and persist until you reach the milestones you have set in your online business.

Just keep these heart felt words of wisdom in your mind at all times, "The Past Can Not Be Changed But the Future Is In Your Power”…..Lani

The only place dreams are impossible is in your mind.

William Hooten

Internet Marketing Success Coach


Frustrated from Busting Your Behind For Pennies Online? Is your Lifestyle in need of a makeover? Visit My Web Site Below And Learn How I Make Serious Money Online and Live A Dream Life From Home And How You Can Do The Same. Free Information Reveals All:

Part 3:5 Daily Activities Of Successful People

Some may ask,” How do you have the confidence to start new ventures and follow them through to be successful?" Well, once I believed that success is for all and just not for a few select individuals. I also started to believe that I can achieve the same status as any businessperson/entrepreneur. But the key to reaching my goal was to stay focused.

Focus Is The Key To Success

Your success is on the horizon. For some, it may be closer than it is for others. Whether you are already in business or even if you are just starting, we all struggle with remaining focused. We live in a world that is filled with distractions.

Have you ever heard the expression, "Why put off for tomorrow what you can do today?" I am sure you have thousands of times, and when it comes to business online it’s no different.

Focusing your life around the things you want to be successful in should be priority number one for you.

For instance, in our lives these are the main four things my wife and I focus on:

- Religion

- Family and Friends

- Creating Profitable Businesses

- Exercise or Hobbies

Focus not on the broad categories but on the specifics. Those specifics are your daily and weekly tasks that we have organized into our schedules.

Set for yourself a goal. Within that goal you should have mini goals along the way to help keep you focused and on track.

Each mini goal is actually helping you reach your ultimate goal.

Accomplish each task

Remain focused

Reach goal


The only place dreams are impossible is in your mind.

William Hooten

Internet Marketing Success Coach


Frustrated from Busting Your Behind For Pennies Online? Is your Lifestyle in need of a makeover? Visit My Web Site Below And Learn How I Make Serious Money Online and Live A Dream Life From Home And How You Can Do The Same. Free Information Reveals All:

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Part 2:5 Daily Activities Of Successful People

The second activity that successful people do on a daily basis is motivation. Motivation is the most important of all, because it directly affects whether or not you do the others at all.

The Right Motivation

The reason most internet marketers don't achieve any success is because of the type of motivation they have. This is mostly because they lack energy or lack of clear thoughts on what to do.

How many times have you read a book or an article that outlined a specific marketing plan (or a set of clear action steps), where you could make tons of money online? Probably more than once, right?

Most respond by saying, "This is too much work or I don't know how to do what this person does. There is no way I can reproduce their success." The first thought in their mind is negative and their motivation is not going to be there.

I have learned doing Internet marketing that people tend think about how much work is required on their part, instead of on whether or not the plan will help them reach their goals and dreams.

The reason most successful people are successful is not because they take huge leaps and bounds each day. It is because they small baby steps that will culminate to a huge success over a long period of time.

This is where many people run into major problems and give up. People try to take shortcut after shortcut, and eventually they are lost.

Do you remember being successful at reading or playing a sport the first time you tried it? No, of course not. It took time and a lot of practice to become efficient and successful at whatever you were doing. The same thing applies with Internet Marketing.

For the most part, becoming a huge success online does not happen overnight. This is why having the right motivation is so important. You are going to have to find a motivating force inside of you to push you to succeed.

Whether you are motivated by money, competition, power, or even better, helping your fellow human being, you are going to have to find it within you. Once you know why and for who you are working so hard each day for, it gets a lot easier to get up and get things accomplished. In fact, it becomes fun!

My motivations are very simple and can be divided into two parts. The first is to help as many people as possible to reach the same type of success I have reached. The second is to achieve and maintain total financial and time freedom, so I am able to share my life with my family and my friends, anytime I choose.

So how can you find your motivation? Look inside yourself and find out what is most important to you. Make a list and write it down from most important to least important.

Take a separate sheet of paper and write down the following:

"I, Your Name, promise to get up or stay up late each and every day to do the work that is necessary to achieve my goals and dreams. I am determined and will not quit. I am doing this everyday because.... then list your reasons."

Post that right in front of your computer and make sure you read it every morning before you get started, until you have it memorized. Then, you will not forget and you will not give up until you have reached your success.

As I stated earlier, my motivation is helping other people succeed and achieve total freedom like I have. What will it be for you?

The only place dreams are impossible is in your mind.

William Hooten

Internet Marketing Success Coach


Frustrated from Busting Your Behind For Pennies Online? Is your Lifestyle in need of a makeover? Visit My Web Site Below And Learn How I Make Serious Money Online and Live A Dream Life From Home And How You Can Do The Same. Free Information Reveals All:

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Part 1: 5 Daily Activities Of Successful Individuals

There is a popular saying that rings true in every part of life, "The apprentice always learns from the master." For some of us who the televison series "Kung Fu", we all have to start with being grasshopper the student. This is no different with Internet Marketing. We always look for the leaders, the people with the success and the bank accounts to prove it, to show us the way to prosperity. Thats exactly what i did. Once you go to my website, you will be introduced to two men who elightened me. 

But did you know that there are five very distinct activities that all successful individuals practice each and every day? And, what if you could learn these activities and combine them together to create an unstoppable avalanche of momentum making your goals (no matter how lofty) possible and attainable, would you actually do them?

Well today I am going to reveal one of five activities to you and I hope that starting immediately, you will implement and follow it without fail. Here we go.

Time Management

This is a skill that many Internet marketers neglect to implement into their online businesses. Many people get bogged down with all of the distractions the Internet offers: whether it is watching videos, reading the news, checking their stocks, and the list goes on and on.

In the meantime, the time you had set aside to run your business is passing by and you are not accomplishing anything. How can you minimize distractions and still work efficiently?

1. Set regular working hours. It does not matter if they are part time or full time, just make sure that your family understands that these are your working hours. This time should be uninterrupted at your computer.

2. Set daily goals or timelines. Make a "To Do List" at the end of each day (for the following day) of the primary tasks you want to accomplish. As you complete tasks, mark them off and have a moment for celebration!

3. Stay focused and on task. If you start on a task, make sure that you finish it before moving on to something else. If along the way you come across a distraction, bookmark it and get back to it later. Try to be as organized as possible with your ideas, and make sure to keep track of what you have already accomplished.

4. Turn your computer off and go enjoy your life for goodness sake! Yes the Internet is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but you don't have to be. Take regular 10-15 minute breaks throughout the day to clear your mind, regather your thoughts, and keep a higher sense of focus when you are working.

Above all, please don't lose sight of what's most important to you, whether it is spending time with your spouse or family. Go after your dreams and goals with unbridled passion and drive, but make sure to create a balance between the other aspects of your life.

In part 2, I will be covering the second daily activity of successful people. Look for it over the next few days.

Wishing You Nothing But Success,

William Hooten

Internet Marketing Success Coach

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